Welcome to the Red Imps Community Trust Virtual Fans’ Museum. We hope you enjoy your visit!
This museum is by fans for fans. The Trust are delighted to host it as part of our ongoing fan engagement work but this is a site where supporters can display their interesting and valued Imps possessions for other fans to enjoy.
Exhibits can be submitted in photographic form at any time – just go to the How To page above! We will credit you for donating your image and exhibits that aren’t self-explanatory will have a description added.
You’ll see the various ‘rooms’ in the museum each displaying a different theme, and we’ll be having ‘focus’ exhibitions to recognise moments in Lincoln City history, notable people and teams, and events of great interest. There is also a general exhibits section if you want to wallow in nostalgia!
There’s also many videos, interviews and content that will be added to on a regular basis. This is a growing archive of Lincoln City memories, images, factss and memorabilia.
So enjoy your trip down memory lane, or maybe we should say down the LNER Stadium of yesteryear!